I always say, keep a diary and someday it will keep you. -Mae West

For years I’ve kept a daily log — even before bullet journals were a thing. I would fill lined notebooks full of small points of reference. Sometimes I would even fill an entire page with a single day.

Lately, I’ve gotten more streamlined. It keeps my day more managable and focuses on completion.

The result? A small, thoughtful chronicle of my life rests in the pages between the soft covers.

What I Put in My Daily Planner

To make this chronicling happen, I carry my planner with me whenever I go out. It’s an essential part of my life! So, I’m referencing it constantly — especially when I need a moment to refocus.


Write down anything you want to remember, even quotes.

Daily Tasks

Although I keep a weekly list of projects, I end each night by assigning myself tasks for the next day. They may be as small as a list of people who I need to email. Or they may be complex such as putting together a business proposal.


You know how “list-lovers” talk about writing things down so they can cross them off? That’s what I do with chores. I don’t necessarily need to remember to sweep or do laundry. It drives me nuts to see anything out of place. But, I like to give myself credit for it. So, I write it down in my planner.


Between all my different digital calendars, I tend to lose track of appointments. So, I keep them all in my handwritten notes. If it’s canceled, I cross it out. If it’s rescheduled, I make a note and move it to another page.


Holidays, birthdays or little special quotes mark the margins of each day. It makes things a little crowded yet, personal.


I struggle to remember meal prep. So, I put the dishes into my bujo to remind me to take things out of the freezer or pick up ingredients.


Everything that comes to mind throughout the day gathers in my daily log. Some of it is pointless and some of it is brilliantly creative. This habit of marking things down frees up my mind.

What do you put in your daily planner?

I’d love to hear about what you keep track of in your daily planner. Is it like a small chronicle of your life? Tell me about it in the comments below or on my Instagram.