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Flower Sketches: A Pattern Passion Project

This thing started when I decided that I wouldn’t set any goals for 2019. Not for my business. Not for my art. Not for my education. Not for my personal development. I decided that I just wanted to select a project that I found inspiring. I wanted to do something positive that could keep me focused on beauty throughout the year. So, I developed a series of twelve flower sketches.

A Year of Beauty

I took my (kind of new) baby to the library and stumbled upon a lovely book, Color + Pattern: 50 playful exercises for exploring pattern design by  Khristian A. Howell. I decided to focus my art for 1 year on making digital patterns, to be used as lock screens and device wallpapers.

Each month, I chose one motif and created a pattern. They were whimsical like pencils, cacti, and rainboots. I researched color trends, honed my eye for repeating design, and stretched my digital art skills to the max.

That hobby project paid off in more ways than I could have imagined. The downloads of my free designs far passed my expectations (somehow the catcus is the most popular.)

Also, I caught the attention of other local artists and shopkeepers. They’ve been a mechanism for conversations as people reach out to find out what in the world I’m doing with these designs.

I even reworked a few of the most popular designs into 8″x10″ prints that are currently for sale at Sweet Violet in Clarksville, VA.

Anytime the news got me down, or life stressed me out, I refocused myself on making something lovely with my hands.

A Focus on Flowers

For 2020, I’m committing to a continuation of this project. I’ll be making a series of flower patterns — inspired by the flower of the month.

I hope that as you follow my designs, I can open your eyes to the happiness around us. Announcements for release will be on my Instagram, verderamade.

Stay in Touch

If you’ve been downloading my designs, please reach out to me and let me know your favorites. Also, keep an eye out for more free wallpaper on my homepage.

If you’d like to shop my prints, visit Sweet Violet:

216 Virginia Avenue
Clarksville, Virginia
They’re $12 each or 2 for $20. Thank you to everyone who has been enjoying this process.

Sweet Violet Prints


Free Device Wallpapers

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